jbp.io Archive
27 June 2024

CVE-2024-5535: `SSL_select_next_proto` buffer overread celebrating a decade of publishing your heap over the internet

Since 2011, a bug has existed in OpenSSL that means innocuous code like:

require('tls').connect({port: 443, NPNProtocols: new Uint8Array()}, function(c) {})

or (equivalently, in Python):

import ssl, socket
assert ssl.HAS_NPN

ctx = ssl.create_default_context()
sock = socket.create_connection(('', 443))
sock = ctx.wrap_socket(sock, server_hostname='localhost')

Silently sends up to 255 bytes of the client’s heap to the server. The server must support NPN, and the heap data is encrypted in transit.

This is confirmed to affect Python <= 3.9 and Node <= 9. It may equally affect any program that calls SSL_select_next_proto with a client buffer that is not a valid list of protocols (this includes an empty buffer).

Meeting those constraints is quite unlikely nowadays:

However, they were much more common in the lifetime of this bug. You should review your historic usage of SSL_select_next_proto and if you could have ever triggered this bug, I would suggest rolling any secrets available to affected programs.

Android was affected up until 2014, with the heap leak behaviour observed independently by an okhttp developer.

Affected versions





SSL_select_next_proto called with client_len == 0 unconditionally reads client[0] and returns the pointer client + 1. Thereafter, *out points outside a valid address, and *outlen contains an undefined value.

Minimal reproducer:

#include <openssl/ssl.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
  uint8_t client_input[] = {};
  uint8_t *output = NULL;
  uint8_t output_len = 0;
  const uint8_t server_input[] = {2, 'h', '2'};

  int ret = SSL_select_next_proto(&output, &output_len, server_input,
                                  sizeof(server_input), client_input, 0);
  printf("ret = %d\n", ret);
  printf("output = %p\n", output);
  printf("output_len = %u\n", (unsigned)output_len);
  return 0;


SSL_select_next_proto is a normal API function so the parameters passed to it are ultimately up to the application. However it is almost always used inside an ALPN or NPN callback:

If SSL_select_next_proto is used straightforwardly in a server’s ALPN callback, there is no impact because other code in openssl validates the client’s extension as being non-empty.

If SSL_select_next_proto is used straightforwardly in a client’s NPN callback, the client data and its length is typically a matter of local configuration and not under openssl’s control. Most importantly, the impact of the wrong length and pointer being returned from this function is a catastrophic memory safety failure: the memory is copied, placed into the selected_protocol field of the NextProtocolNegotiationEncryptedExtension and sent to the peer!

As a realistic demonstration, in python3.92 the following code sees OpenSSL send a chunk of heap to the server:

import ssl, socket
assert ssl.HAS_NPN

ctx = ssl.create_default_context()

sock = socket.create_connection(('', 443))
sock = ctx.wrap_socket(sock, server_hostname='localhost')

The peer receives (for example):

NextProtocolNegotiationEncryptedExtension {
  selected_protocol: c2d60ba35f00000000000000000000000000000000000031000000000000000
  padding: 000000000000000000000000000000,
  1. with corrections 

  2. later versions of python have dropped NPN support.